MongoDB Specifications
- Atlas Serverless Tests
- Authentication
- BSON Binary Encrypted
- BSON Binary UUID
- BSON Corpus
- BSON Decimal128
- BSON ObjectID
- Bulk Write
- Causal Consistency Specification
- Change Streams
- Client Side Encryption
- Client Side Operations Timeout
- Collation
- Command Logging and Monitoring
- Connection Monitoring and Pooling
- Connection String Spec
- Convenient API for Transactions
- DBRef
- Driver Mantras
- Enumerating Collections
- Enumerating Databases
- Extended JSON
- FaaS Automated Testing
- Find, getMore and killCursors commands
- GridFS Spec
- Index Management
- Initial DNS Seedlist Discovery
- Load Balancer Support
- Logging
- Max Staleness
- Max Staleness Tests
- MongoDB Handshake
- OCSP Support
- Performance Benchmarking
- Polling SRV Records for mongos Discovery
- Read and Write Concern
- Retryable Reads
- Retryable Writes
- Run Command
- SDAM Logging and Monitoring Specification
- SOCKS5 Support
- Server Discovery And Monitoring
- Server Discovery And Monitoring -- Summary
- Server Discovery And Monitoring -- Test Plan
- Server Monitoring
- Server Selection
- Server Selection Test Plan
- Server Wire version and Feature List
- Sessions Specification
- Snapshot Reads Specification
- Stable API For Drivers
- Transactions Specification
- URI Options Specification
- Unified Test Format
- Wire Compression in Drivers
- Write Commands Specification